Dean's Donor Training

Take your giving to the next level with this masterclass in philanthropy. Learn to do “giving” right!

Increase your impact by 10 or 25 times without increasing your donations.

All donors should take this training.

Whether you're a brand new donor, a long-term donor, a billionaire, or donating out of your IRA
Everyone can benefit from these courses.

Train your family members to take over the family giving. Take the training and have your children, staff, and foundation take the training, too.

Gain exclusive insights from top real-life donors. You'll be smarter and more competent than most people in the field of fundraising and philanthropy.

Maximize your learning with our meticulously designed curriculum covering all essential philanthropic topics.

Acquire essential knowledge on philanthropy, including fundamental principles, smart donor strategies, avoiding fundraising tricks, establishing estate giving and family foundations, anonymous donation techniques, and much more.

Dean offers comprehensive coverage for all your giving wants and needs.

Training Courses Get Started  

You may be thinking:

  • My donations aren't performing. I'm stuck and I need some help.
  • I already know how to donate.
  • I want to donate but don't know how. I don't know where to start.
  • I can't find anywhere that's good enough. (Too picky).
  • Or, I just want to learn about a certain topic; be inspired.

If any of these scenarios resonate with you, consider enrolling in our courses.

For newcomers to philanthropy, we recommend our 'New Donor Training,' 'Philanthropy 101,' or 'Fundraising 101.

If you're already an advanced donor, take the “Smart Donor Training”; “Emerging Trends”; or the course on “How to Avoid Fundraising Tricks”.

Dean has raised millions from successful billionaires and these courses will teach you their tricks (and how you can avoid being tricked because you probably are).

Our courses cover all the important topics, such as evaluating requests, grantmaking, reviewing your past donations, strategic planning, anonymous giving, wills and estate planning, and even emerging concepts like the transformative impact of AI on philanthropy.


  • Real-life situations from real donors!
  • Created by a leading fundraising expert to teach donors about effective strategies from the fundraisers' point of view.
  • There are 15 donor training courses. Each one focusing on an important part of philanthropy.
  • Skip ahead or jump around to any training that you want. Browse through certain topics that you want to see, or take your time and complete all courses.
  • You will receive access to private training courses teaching things that only a handful of people know; ebook access to Dean's book 10 Tricks That Fundraisers Use on Donors and How to Defeat Them: What I Always Wanted to Tell Donors But Couldn't; and Premium members receive one-on-one mentoring with Dean.

  • Dean Philanthropy Advisors is a philanthropy firm that helps donors, families, and foundations. Our goal is a personalized experience for all philanthropy needs.
  • After meeting with thousands of donors, Dean created a donor training program “Dean's Donor Training” to teach donors about mistakes and secrets.
  • Dean also offers personalized donor services. Use the training program, book, and donor services in combination to really have maximum impact.

  • 15 training courses on philanthropy's most important topics.
  • Each course includes training videos, readings, and writing sections that are graded by Dean for feedback.
  • Access to Dean's custom quiz platform featuring 250 quiz questions.
  • Bonus: free access to Dean's book 10 Tricks That Fundraisers Use on Donors and How to Defeat Them: What I Always Wanted to Tell Donors But Couldn't

  • These courses are designed for people who want to donate. You don't have to be an active donor, as long as you intend to make future donations, you need to take these courses.
  • In addition to taking the courses themselves, many donors also have their family members, secretary, foundation staff, and advisors take them.

  • If you're donating $5k or more a year, DON'T make another donation until you take the training program.

  • You have a financial advisor and an accountant. You need someone who knows the world of philanthropy to help you navigate these challenges, too.

  • Each course can be completed at your own pace. Most people can complete a course in a day and all of them in a month. Some people have more time available and can finish more quickly. The important thing isn't completing the course quickly, but rather choosing a pace that allows you to absorb as much as possible.

  • Each course features customized curriculum; readings; videos; quizzes to test your knowledge; and an optional writing portion.

  • No, but if you want to share Dean, it's easy to send someone the training courses as a gift. Add a personalized message. Buy now, send anytime when you're ready.

  • If you need extra help, schedule a one-on-one with Dean. Let's talk.

  • No. Dean will never tell anyone (even in private) that you took our training. Your information will remain 100% confidential and will never be shared. Sign up under a different name if you are worried.

  • Many professionals are required to take training every year. But, most donors have never had any training at all. Get started. Anyone involved in donations should take Dean. If you have children or a foundation staff, the courses are an absolute must.
  • While you won't receive college credits, you will be getting real-life experience. This is tens of thousands of hours of experience boiled down into a few weeks. You'll be as experienced as if you did fundraising and philanthropy for over 10 years.
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Copyright © 2025  |  Dean Philanthropy Advisors. All Rights Reserved.